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Swansea – micro:bit Machine Learning & Data Logging PL Event

February 14 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


To continue our support of the BBC and micro:bit Foundation’s micro:bit – the next-gen campaign, Technocamps are again hosting professional learning events for practitioners in Wales during February and March 2025. The event is most suited to practitioners in upper primary and lower secondary. We are working with Techniquest, who manages the PL contract for Wales, on behalf of STEM Learning. Fifteen practitioners from state schools can apply for a £130 teacher award to cover supply/associated costs for attending this training, as we expect many more attendees, this award will be on a first come first serve basis.

During this interactive session, teachers will explore the brand new machine learning tool, which will allow learners to program the micro:bit using a model they can train themselves. This tool will be demonstrated with activities covering a selection of the areas of Learning and Experience included in the Curriculum for Wales. Following this, practitioners will be led through the micro:bit’s data logging feature and how this can be used in various ways to cover the data handling aspects found in the Curriculum for Wales and the Digital Competency Framework.

We ask that practitioners bring their own micro:bit devices and laptops to program them where possible. There have been issues with Chromebooks connecting to wi-fi networks outside of school in the past.

Note: The activities covered will require the V2 micro:bits first launched in 2020. These are easily identifiable by the central speaker on the back of the device.

Sign up: https://tc1.me/microbitSwanseaPL


February 14
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Event Category:




Swansea University, Technocamps
2nd Floor, Margam Building, Singleton Campus
Swansea, SA2 8PP
+ Google Map
Lead Partner, Swansea University, is a registered charity no. 1138342 and a Royal Charter company no. RC000639