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Event Series Technoclub Swansea

Technoclub Swansea

Swansea University, Technocamps 2nd Floor, Margam Building, Singleton Campus, Swansea

Join Technocamps in-person coding club! We will provide a FREE weekly session for 9 to 16-year-olds where you will learn new skills whilst working towards an end project goal. A relaxed weekly club where we learn and play with tech in a fun environment. Mixed ability and age range; from beginners to advanced machine learning in Python. Examples of subjects ... Read More


Week 2 – Introduction to Python Programming

Neath College Neath College, Dwr-Y-Felin Rd,, Neath,

This Python workshop aims to develop skills in computer understanding, logic and software development using a simple and readable language. The benefits of this will allow us to automate repetitive tasks, communicate effectively with visualisations and provide career advancement with improved problem-solving skills. Level: Beginner Duration: 2 hours a week for 2 weeks Sign up.

Lead Partner, Swansea University, is a registered charity no. 1138342 and a Royal Charter company no. RC000639