Technocamps is running a pan-Wales National Programming Challenge. The challenge will enable interested pupils to develop their problem solving, communication and teamwork skills as well as improving their knowledge of computer programming in a fun and innovative way.
The challenge is to create a piece of software using “Superheroes of Science” as the theme. You can focus on looking into fictional superheroes (e.g. Superman, Wonder Woman, Spiderman etc.) or any aspect of science or real-life science superheroes (this could include scientists such as Ada Lovelace, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Berners-Lee or Alan Turing – computer scientists, Albert Einstein – physicist, Marie Curie – chemist, Stephen Hawking – physicist and astrologist etc.).
Your software must have an original design which could be in the form of a game, website, app, quiz or animation. Any coding language can be used to create the software, for example, Scratch, Python, Greenfoot, Visual Basic, App Inventor or HTML etc. and you can also make use of the Raspberry Pis, BBC micro:bits or Arduino kits that you may have in your school.
During the build-up to the challenge, groups in your school class, pupils from your local primary school or your entire Technoclub can contribute to the development of your software. However, for the challenge final, you will need to nominate a team of two to six people from the school who could attend the final challenge and prize day event. It is important that this is a mixed ability group.
For any advice, questions or support on the Technocamps Game of Codes – Computer Sciensational Superheroes Challenge, please feel free to contact Kate Stevens – Regional Project Coordinator.
More information is available in our Schools Information Pack.