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Join our live stream for a standalone session covering different topics. Check our social media to see which day we're streaming each week.


Interactive sessions following a different topic for each 6-week project. Aimed at all abilities. Sign up at the start of each half-term to join! More info at


Interactive sessions following a different topic for each 6-week project. Aimed at all abilities. Sign up at the start of each half-term to join!


Interactive sessions following a different topic for each 6-week project. Aimed at all abilities. Sign up at the start of each half-term to join!

WiST Event: The Secrets of 365

Unlocking the power of Office 365 including future digital trends. Are you up to date with the latest technology? Have you harnessed the power that Microsoft Office 365 can bring? There are over 34 different apps to use inside 365 and here we will discuss how to use them to improve your workplace, increase collaboration and make your life easier. ... Read More


Interactive sessions following a different topic for each 6-week project. Aimed at all abilities. Sign up at the start of each half-term to join!

GiST Seminar

Ever wondered what it would be like to make electricity from the sun, work for NASA or research Astrobiology? We've got a series of inspiring women in STEM who want to talk to you about their jobs and how they got them! Each speaker will discuss their career, take you on a tour of their workplace and answer any questions ... Read More


Interactive sessions following a different topic for each 6-week project. Aimed at all abilities. Sign up at the start of each half-term to join!


Interactive sessions following a different topic for each 6-week project. Aimed at all abilities. Sign up at the start of each half-term to join!

Lead Partner, Swansea University, is a registered charity no. 1138342 and a Royal Charter company no. RC000639