A sad truth is that most of us will have been affected by at least one information security breach in our lifetimes.
A sad truth is that most of us will have been affected by at least one information security breach in our lifetimes. On the news we regularly hear about hackers, whether it be nation-state involvement in voting systems or script-kiddies in their bedrooms attacking corporations. However, what often doesn’t make the news is the information security teams within organisations and their response and defences against such attackers.
In this luncthime talk on 23rd April, we will welcome Laura Blackwell, Senior Cyber Security Analyst from Simply Business. Laura will be giving an overview of what Infosec means, what we do behind the scenes, and how to tell if you have ever been affected!
This event is designed for people of all technical abilities, so please come along and feel free to ask any questions you might have!
A general plan for the session will be:
- What is Infosec and what is the CIA triad?
- What does Infosec mean in businesses?
- Some examples of data breaches people may have heard of
- How to tell if you have ever been affected by a breach
- The ways some breaches were achieved
- What Infosec do to prevent the main sources of attack
- What sort of roles are there in information security?
- Interested? Where do I start?