Technocamps Annual Robotics Competition 2024: Where Robots Meet Sport

Paige JenningsCompetition, News and Events

Over the last two weeks, 142 pupils from 26 schools across Wales joined us for our Annual Robotics Competition in partnership with the RAF!

This year’s competition theme was Techathlon, and pupils were challenged to get into sports mode by designing and creating a robot that could tackle Olympic challenges such as basketball, shotput and weightlifting. 

Participants worked collaboratively in groups on their prototypes using any available hardware or kits before designing a poster and a video for their prototypes to be used as part of their pitch to the judges. The groups created display boards, pitched them to a panel of expert judges from Technocamps and the RAF, and answered any follow-up questions. Then, there was a live, unseen challenge, during which participants showcased their adaptability by quickly modifying their robots to complete a new task.

 A huge thank you to all the fantastic teams that joined us, and congratulations to the winning teams. We’re already looking forward to next year’s event and the innovative ideas and creations it will bring. Stay tuned for more details!