9.30am-2.30pm | Friday 18th March
One of our aims at Technocamps is to encourage girls to consider the STEM careers that are available to them and do our bit to closer the gender gap in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths industries. We host a number of free female-only events to support this cause and work with schools and community organisations around Wales to engage both primary and secondary school pupils through our GiST programme.
In the Spring, we are hosting a girls-only day of fun workshops to engage and inspire pupils to consider STEM at GCSE level. There are 60 places available (max 15 per school) for the day of workshops at Merthyr College.
1) CSI Training Workshop with Merthyr College
2) Digital Steganography with Technocamps
3) Digital Forensics and Cyber Security with NDEC
We ask that pupils are selected based on their need for inspiration to choose STEM subjects as their GCSE options.