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12th Tachwedd 2021 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Our commitment to providing children with the skills they need to develop and grow continues, and we now offer after-school virtual code clubs for children aged 9-16. Technoclub is an opportunity for young people to gain computing experience during live interactive sessions outside of school.

The club provides a free weekly session where pupils will learn new Computer Science skills whilst working towards an end project goal. It’s aimed at all abilities and only requires internet access. Participants do not need any prior knowledge or experience in coding or programming to join the club.

Mae'r clwb yn wych ar gyfer y rheiny sydd wedi mynychu ein gweithdai mewn ysgolion, gan eu galluogi i feithrin eu sgiliau yn hawdd wrth eu pwysau ac mewn amgylchedd dysgu llai ffurfiol. Mae hefyd yn addas ar gyfer dechreuwyr llwyr gan fod y sesiynau wedi'u cynllunio'n fwriadol i ddarparu ar gyfer dysgwyr o bob lefel.

Mae Technoclub yn cael ei redeg gan ein Swyddogion Addysgu profiadol ac ymroddedig, sy'n cylchdroi eu haddysgu fel bod pob sesiwn yn newydd ac yn ffres. Ymdrinnir ag ystod eang o bynciau cyfrifiadurol, gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o ieithoedd rhaglennu, er enghraifft Greenfoot, Logo, Python, micro:bit y BBC, Scratch, Lego Mindstorm a rhai sesiynau Meddwl Cyfrifiadurol hwyliog (ac ymarferol) yn seiliedig ar ddamcaniaethau.

Technoclub runs throughout the school term between 4.30pm-6pm on Mondays and Wednesdays, and between 4-6pm on Fridays.

This term, we will cover Python Turtle and Minecraft in our Monday sessions, on Wednesdays, we will focus on getting re-familiarised with programming by completing an exciting set of activities using Scratch, and our Friday session will look at learning and playing with tech in a fun environment.


12th Tachwedd 2021
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
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Mae'r Partner Arweiniol, Prifysgol Abertawe, yn elusen gofrestredig rhif. 1138342 a Chwmni Siarter Brenhinol rhif. RC000639