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GiST: Ymchwiliad Fforensig a Safleoedd Trosedd

29th Tachwedd 2021

Rydyn ni'n gyffrous i wahodd disgyblion benywaidd ym Mlynyddoedd 8 a 9 i fynychu diwrnod llawn gweithdai yn Academi STEAM newydd sbon Coleg Penybont!

The free in-person event is in partnership with Bridgend College STEAM Academy and the National Digital Exploitation Centre. We will introduce participants to a variety of Forensic Investigation skills including Digital Forensics, Steganography, Fingerprinting and more. Each workshop will be hands-on and delivered by lecturers and experts in their field.

Gall y disgyblion a ddewisir i fod yn bresennol fod y rhai y mae angen i'w dyheadau gael eu codi tuag at ddilyn pwnc STEM ar lefel TGAU.

Date: Monday 29th November 2021
Location: Bridgend College STEAM Academy, Cyncoed Campus, Cowbridge Rd, Bridgend CF31 3DF

This workshop is part of the Technocamps GiST (Girls into Science and Technology) programme. Attendees will also be invited to future Technocamps events throughout the year. Places allocated on a first come, first served basis. If pupils are unable to attend, please fill their places with a reserve to avoid others not being able to attend. Pupils must be registered by a class teacher.

To register email Laura: laura.roberts@technocamps.com, laura.roberts@southwales.ac.uk

9.30am Registration
9.40am Welcome
10-11am Workshop 1: NDEC
11-11.15am Break
11.15am-12.15pm Workshop 2: Criminal and Forensic Investigation with Bridgend College
12.15-1pm Lunch
1-2pm Workshop 3: Steganography with Technocamps
2pm Plenary Session
2.30pm End

Gweithdy 1: NDEC
Mae fforensig ddigidol yn cynnwys llawer o ddatrys posau a datgloi cyfrinachau cudd technoleg! Darganfyddwch sut mae arbenigwyr fforensig digidol yn ymchwilio i leoliad trosedd pan fydd technoleg yn rhan ohono - o sicrhau nad yw tystiolaeth wedi'i halogi a bod cadwyn y ddalfa yn cael ei chofnodi, i edrych trwy eitemau yn y lleoliad am ddata argyhoeddiadol!

Gweithdy 2: Ymchwiliad Trosedd a Fforensig gyda Choleg Penybont
Oes gennyt ti lygad am fanylion? Allet ti dod o hyd i'r cliwiau? Bydd yn ymchwilydd lleoliad trosedd a chasgla'r dystiolaeth i ddatrys y drosedd. Dyma gyfle i gael profiad o'r protocol cywir ar gyfer ymchwilio i leoliad trosedd, gan gynnwys: ffotograffiaeth lleoliad trosedd, swabio tystiolaeth a llwch ar gyfer olion bysedd. Gorffenna'r profiad gyda dosbarth meistr olion bysedd.

Gweithdy 3: Steganograffeg gyda Technocamps
Can you find data hidden in data? Words hidden in pictures? Passwords hidden in a spreadsheet? Put your Steganography skills to the test, search for clues and solve a crime! In this workshop you will be put into a digital crime scene investigation, having received information from Detective Smith, you will be the ones tasked with uncovering the criminals’ plan…

Mae'r Partner Arweiniol, Prifysgol Abertawe, yn elusen gofrestredig rhif. 1138342 a Chwmni Siarter Brenhinol rhif. RC000639