Technocamps yng Ngŵyl Wyddoniaeth Abertawe: Trenau Model i Rubik’s Cube Robots

Paige JenningsDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We ended the October half-term with another fantastic weekend at the Swansea Science Festival, an event that never fails to inspire and entertain families. Thousands poured in to enjoy two days packed with hands-on exhibits, interactive experiments, and engaging workshops. Technocamps was once again honoured to be part of this incredible family-focused festival. Families shared how impressed they were, many … Read More

Gŵyl Wyddoniaeth Abertawe

Paige Jennings

Swansea Science Festival is back at Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau – National Waterfront Museum! Come to learn and discover with Technocamps and Swansea University as Swansea Science Festival returns with over 30 free, hands-on exhibits. Read more about it: