This resource teaches about AI using the program machinelearningforkids
Meddwl Cyfrifiadurol Cynradd
Gan ganolbwyntio ar y 4 Ilinyn o fedowl cyfrifiadurol, bydo y sesiwn hon yn rhoi sgiliau allweddol i ddysgwyr y gellir eu cymhwyso ym mhob cefndir. Bydd y pynciaun cynnwys algorithmau, haniaethu, dadelfennu ac adnabod patrymau. Erbyn diwedd y sesiwn, bydd dysgwyr yn gallu defnyddio'r sgiliau ymaen nhw wediu dysgu iddatrys problemau mewn ffyrdd hwyliog.
Summer of Scratch
This workshop introduces learners to Scratch online programming whilst designing a basic game. They will learn how to draw shapes, add in a scoring system and a timer to model a basic computer/app game. This session can be linked to your current termly theme. This session will require access to a computer and to
Pam mae pobl yn symud?
Mae'r sesiwn hon yn dechrau gyda thrafodaeth ar fudo a'r ffactorau sy'n effeithio ar hyn. Gellir cysylltu'r sesiwn a The Arandora Star a'r Ail Ryfel Byd. Bydd dysgwyr wedyn yn defnyddio Scratch i fodelu effeithiau arian, cyflogaeth, rhyfel a theulu ar boblogaethau o fewn ardal.
Seiberddiogelwch Cynradd
Cyber Security is essential for keeping data safe. Password security in particular affects everyone and is especially important for learners to understand due to how many data breaches are caused by passwords. In this workshop, we will look into how to make strong passwords and encryption and how hackers crack this security and decryption. Included in this page are the … Read More
Scratch Ar Draws y Cwricwlwm
This activity pack contains video tutorials to help you develop your programming skills and understanding through Scratch activities linking to various areas of the curriculum. This activity pack aims to familiarise you with Scratch and teach you the principles of programming along the way: Water Cycle States of Matter Translation Quiz
Posteri Gwyddonwyr Cyfrifiadurol Cymreig
Yn dilyn ein swp cyntaf llwyddiannus o arloeswyr enwog ym myd technoleg, sy’n cyd-fynd â’r cwricwlwm Technoleg Ddigidol yng Nghymru, rydym wedi cynhyrchu posteri gyda mwy o flas Cymreig lleol. Lawrlwythwch y poster A2 cyfun a'r posteri unigol isod!
Posteri DigiTech Cyfrifiadurwyr
We have designed some bilingual posters with information about well-known computer scientists for you to display in your classroom. These figures all appear in the curriculum and these posters contain useful information about their work. There are individual posters and a larger poster that contains biographies from all six scientists: James Gosling, Ada Lovelace, Alan Turing, Tim Berners-Lee, Steve Jobs … Read More
micro:bit – micro:bit Cerddorol
This micro:bit workshop covers areas of the Science and Technology and the Expressive Arts Areas of Learning and Experience. Pupils will learn the basics of block-based programming and how to use conditional statements to make decisions in computer programs. The resource will also allow pupils to create their own musical compositions by making use of iteration and the micro:bit’s in-built … Read More
micro:bit – Gêm Mathemateg
This micro:bit workshop covers areas of the Science and Technology and Mathematics and Numeracy Areas of Learning and Experience. Pupils will learn the basics of block-based programming and how to use conditional statements to make decisions in computer programs. The resource will also allow pupils to create their own mathematics game to help them and their classmates develop their problem … Read More