Have you ever wondered what would happen if a Zombie virus began spreading across the nation? Is it possible to stop the spread, how would you predict how many people might get infected and what measures could you put in place to slow the spread? As part of this workshop, learners will learn about the concept of disease modelling through … Read More
Seiberddiogelwch Cynradd
Cyber Security is essential for keeping data safe. Password security in particular affects everyone and is especially important for learners to understand due to how many data breaches are caused by passwords. In this workshop, we will look into how to make strong passwords and encryption and how hackers crack this security and decryption. Included in this page are the … Read More
Seiberddiogelwch Uwchradd
Cyber Security is essential for keeping data safe. Password security in particular affects everyone and is especially important for learners to understand due to how many data breaches are caused by passwords. In this workshop, we will look into how to make strong passwords and encryption and how hackers crack this security and decryption. Included in this page are the … Read More
Cynhadledd Athrawon
Cyflwynwyd yr adnoddau hyn yng Nghynhadledd Athrawon “Cwricwlwm Llwyddiant” Technocamps a gynhaliwyd yn Stadiwm y Liberty ar Hydref 17eg 2019. Mae adnoddau cynradd ac eilaidd ar gael yma.
Posteri Gwyddonwyr Cyfrifiadurol Cymreig
Yn dilyn ein swp cyntaf llwyddiannus o arloeswyr enwog ym myd technoleg, sy’n cyd-fynd â’r cwricwlwm Technoleg Ddigidol yng Nghymru, rydym wedi cynhyrchu posteri gyda mwy o flas Cymreig lleol. Lawrlwythwch y poster A2 cyfun a'r posteri unigol isod!
Posteri DigiTech Cyfrifiadurwyr
We have designed some bilingual posters with information about well-known computer scientists for you to display in your classroom. These figures all appear in the curriculum and these posters contain useful information about their work. There are individual posters and a larger poster that contains biographies from all six scientists: James Gosling, Ada Lovelace, Alan Turing, Tim Berners-Lee, Steve Jobs … Read More
Technoleg, Moeseg a'r Dyfodol
Mae'r gweithdy hwn yn canolbwyntio ar esblygiad technoleg, materion moesegol sy'n ymwneud â thechnoleg a datblygiadau yn y dyfodol. Bydd myfyrwyr yn adeiladu cylchedau electronig gan efelychu goleuadau clyfar ac yn defnyddio LEGO Mindstorms i ddynwared cerbydau ymreolaethol wrth ystyried pryderon moesegol.
Python - Rhaglennu Gwrthrych-Gyfeiriol
Python is a clean, readable programming language which is commonly used within education. It is becoming an important element within the Computing and ICT curriculum across the UK. It is easy to learn, but can be used by both novice and experienced programmers, and it’s also very relevant to coding languages used in industry.
C3: Dysgu Peiriant
Mae’r gweithdy hwn yn datblygu dealltwriaeth myfyrwyr o beth yw Dysgu Peiriant. Bydd myfyrwyr yn datblygu eu gwybodaeth am ddata priodol ac anaddas wrth hyfforddi peiriant. Bydd myfyrwyr yn gweithredu eu gêm Scratch Dysgu Peiriant eu hunain.
C3: Cryptograffeg
Mae'r gweithdy hwn yn cyflwyno myfyrwyr i dechnegau cryptograffig a ddefnyddiwyd yn hanes yr hen fyd ac yn ystod yr oes fodern. Trwy ddeall a gweithredu'r technegau hyn, bydd myfyrwyr yn cryfhau eu sgiliau meddwl rhesymegol a sgiliau mathemateg.