Rhaglen DPP Ardystiedig Rhad ac Am Ddim i Athrawon Ysgol Gynradd yn dechrau Hydref hwn!

Paige JenningsDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We are pleased to announce our upcoming CPD programme for primary school teachers happening this Autumn! This free programme aims to improve teachers’ knowledge of Computer Science and Computational Thinking and help them apply these skills in the classroom and across the school. Following the success of last year’s virtual sessions, we are pleased to launch our Autumn CPD programme. … Read More

Cystadleuaeth Roboteg Flynyddol Technocamps 2024: Lle Mae Robotiaid yn Cyfarfod Chwaraeon

Paige JenningsCystadleuaeth, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Over the last two weeks, 142 pupils from 26 schools across Wales joined us for our Annual Robotics Competition in partnership with the RAF! This year’s competition theme was Techathlon, and pupils were challenged to get into sports mode by designing and creating a robot that could tackle Olympic challenges such as basketball, shotput and weightlifting.  Participants worked collaboratively in … Read More

Gêm o Godau

Paige JenningsCystadleuaeth, Digwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

This March our Cardiff hub hosted the Game of Codes coding competition with this year’s theme centred around Sport and Health. This year, the competition saw the participation of 3 individual finalists and 13 teams. From wearable karate point-scoring t-shirts, olympic themed mini-games, clicker games promoting healthy eating and digital top trumps of weird and wonderful sports from around the … Read More

Grymuso Menywod mewn STEM: Dathliad Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod 2024

Paige JenningsDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Technocamps annual International Women’s Day Celebration event on Wednesday 8 March 2024. International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. Annually, thousands of events are held throughout the world to inspire women and celebrate achievements. A global web of rich and diverse local activity connects women from all … Read More

Mae Cystadleuaeth Game of Codes 2024 yn ôl!

Rasa MombeiniCystadleuaeth, Digwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Game of Codes is back with Technocamps pan-Wales National Game of Codes Programming Competition. The competition will enable interested pupils to develop their problem solving, communication, and teamwork skills while improving their knowledge of computer programming in a fun and inventive way. The challenge is to create a piece of software using Sport and Health as the theme.  Examples could … Read More

Technocamps Yn Cynnal Digwyddiadau Dysgu Proffesiynol Ledled Cymru i Hybu Integreiddio Micro:bit yng Nghwricwlwm i Gymru

Rasa MombeiniNewyddion a Digwyddiadau, Dim categori

To support the BBC and micro:bit Foundation’s new micro:bit – the next gen campaign, Technocamps are hosting professional learning events for primary school teachers across Wales during February and March. These events are supported by the BBC, micro:bit Foundation and Hwb with the ambition to support practitioners across Wales to further enhance their delivery of Curriculum for Wales utilising micro:bits.  … Read More

Rhaglen DP Ardystiedig Rhad ac Am Ddim i Athrawon Ysgolion Cynradd – Tymor y Gwanwyn ’24

Luke ClementDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We are offering a free 9-session virtual CPD programme for primary school teachers with the aim of improving knowledge of Computer Science and Computational Thinking, and applying these skills in the classroom and across the school. Following the success of the virtual training sessions we offered primary school teachers during the lockdown period, we are pleased to be able to … Read More

Newsbyte: Hydref 2023

Rasa MombeiniNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau, Cylchlythyr

Technocamps team

Shwmae and welcome to the Autumn 2023 edition of Newsbyte! We’re in a new academic year and we have big plans for the winter. As always, get in touch if there is anything we can help you with. Here’s what we have been up to since the last edition…

Astudiaeth Achos: Archbishop McGrath

adminAstudiaeth Achos, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau, Workshops & Events Case Study

Thomas Fricker took part in our Robotics Competition back in 2016 and – along with his fellow team members from Archbishop McGrath Comprehensive School and teacher Fiona Greenwood – won at our grand final. This year, he supported his younger sister and the 2023 Archbishop McGrath team in their bid to reclaim the title of Champions! Here’s his story… Thomas … Read More

Rhaglen DP Ardystiedig Rhad ac Am Ddim i Athrawon Ysgolion Cynradd *Cwrs yn Llawn*

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We are offering a free 10-session virtual CPD programme for primary school teachers with the aim of improving knowledge of Computer Science and Computational Thinking, and applying these skills in the classroom and across the school. Following the success of the virtual training sessions we offered primary school teachers during the lockdown period, we are pleased to be able to … Read More