Mae Cystadleuaeth Game of Codes 2024 yn ôl!

Rasa MombeiniCystadleuaeth, Digwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Game of Codes is back with Technocamps pan-Wales National Game of Codes Programming Competition. The competition will enable interested pupils to develop their problem solving, communication, and teamwork skills while improving their knowledge of computer programming in a fun and inventive way. The challenge is to create a piece of software using Sport and Health as the theme.  Examples could … Read More

Adroddiad Blynyddol 2023

Rasa MombeiniAdroddiad Blynyddol

This report provides a snapshot of the various initiatives in which Technocamps has been involved throughout 2023. Engagements with primary and secondary schools, initiatives for upskilling teachers, our business engagement activities with IoC in Wales and the research initiatives within Education, History and Philosophy (EHP) research arm. All in all, we’ve had a successful year, thanks to the commitment of our … Read More

Gwella eich sgiliau technegol gyda'n Gweithdai Codio

Rasa MombeiniGweithdy

Would you like to upskill? Check out our upcoming Coding Workshops at Swansea university’s Singleton Campus. They are entirely free for learners. These coding short courses are designed to help you build in-demand skills and knowledge to help you get ahead. Technocamps Coding Workshop 1 An introduction to Python programming 10am – 12noon  on  Friday 1 March 10am – 12noon  on  Friday 8 March Technocamps … Read More

Rydyn ni wedi lansio BBC micro:bit - arolwg iard chwarae!

Rasa MombeiniNewyddion

two girls examining leaf

The BBC micro:bit playground survey has launched! Primary school teachers and pupils across the UK can continue their adventures with the micro:bit by taking part in the exciting new project, the BBC micro:bit playground survey. It’s the perfect summer term project for 7-11-year-olds where children get to learn all about their playground environment through a series of engaging, fun and cross-curricular … Read More

Technocamps Yn Cynnal Digwyddiadau Dysgu Proffesiynol Ledled Cymru i Hybu Integreiddio Micro:bit yng Nghwricwlwm i Gymru

Rasa MombeiniNewyddion a Digwyddiadau, Dim categori

To support the BBC and micro:bit Foundation’s new micro:bit – the next gen campaign, Technocamps are hosting professional learning events for primary school teachers across Wales during February and March. These events are supported by the BBC, micro:bit Foundation and Hwb with the ambition to support practitioners across Wales to further enhance their delivery of Curriculum for Wales utilising micro:bits.  … Read More

Rhaglen DP Ardystiedig Rhad ac Am Ddim i Athrawon Ysgolion Cynradd – Tymor y Gwanwyn ’24

Luke ClementDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We are offering a free 9-session virtual CPD programme for primary school teachers with the aim of improving knowledge of Computer Science and Computational Thinking, and applying these skills in the classroom and across the school. Following the success of the virtual training sessions we offered primary school teachers during the lockdown period, we are pleased to be able to … Read More

Newsbyte: Hydref 2023

Rasa MombeiniNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau, Cylchlythyr

Technocamps team

Shwmae and welcome to the Autumn 2023 edition of Newsbyte! We’re in a new academic year and we have big plans for the winter. As always, get in touch if there is anything we can help you with. Here’s what we have been up to since the last edition…

Technocamps yn Cefnogi Cwrs Peilot Llwybr Dilyniant Cyfrifiadureg Minecraft Hwb

Luke ClementNewyddion

Technocamps are supporting a new pilot course for a Computer Science Progression Pathway in Minecraft Education which will have Clear, Cohesive Progression from Progression Steps 2 to 5. The pilot will be split across Progression Step 2 (Lower Primary), Progression Step 3 (Upper Primary), Progression Step 4 (Lower Secondary) and Progression Step 5 (Middle/Upper Secondary).  Minecraft are looking for schools to be part of a pilot programme for this pathway! Numbers … Read More

Hwb yn Cyflwyno – Gweminar Technocamps – Dechrau Ar Gyflwyno CiG gyda micro:bits! Tachwedd 7fed 4yp

Luke ClementNewyddion


On November 7th at 4pm, we will be providing a Hwb Presents Extra webinar for practitioners in Wales. Join us for a 45 minute introductory session on delivering the Curriculum for Wales using micro:bits! This session should give you an introduction to programming using the micro:bit and explore how you could apply its use across the Areas of Learning and Experience … Read More

Astudiaeth Achos: Archbishop McGrath

adminAstudiaeth Achos, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau, Workshops & Events Case Study

Thomas Fricker took part in our Robotics Competition back in 2016 and – along with his fellow team members from Archbishop McGrath Comprehensive School and teacher Fiona Greenwood – won at our grand final. This year, he supported his younger sister and the 2023 Archbishop McGrath team in their bid to reclaim the title of Champions! Here’s his story… Thomas … Read More