Clybiau Codio ôl-Ysgol ar gyfer Disgyblion yng Nghymru

Rasa MombeiniNewyddion

two boys are coding sphero by the laptop

Our commitment to providing children with the skills they need to develop and grow continues. We offer after-school code clubs for children aged 9-16. Technoclub is an opportunity for young people to gain computing experience during interactive sessions outside of school. The club provides a free weekly session where pupils will learn new Computer Science skills whilst working towards an end project goal. … Read More

Newsbyte: Hâf 2023

adminNewyddion, Cylchlythyr

Shwmae a chroeso i rifyn Haf 2023 o Newsbyte! Mae’r haul yn tywynnu, mae’r flwyddyn ysgol yn dod i ben ac mae cynlluniau mawr gyda ni ar gyfer y tymor newydd. Fel bob amser, cysylltwch â ni oes allen ni helpu gydag unrhyw beth. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn brysur ers y rhifyn ddiwethaf…

Rhaglen DP Ardystiedig Rhad ac Am Ddim i Athrawon Ysgolion Cynradd *Cwrs yn Llawn*

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We are offering a free 10-session virtual CPD programme for primary school teachers with the aim of improving knowledge of Computer Science and Computational Thinking, and applying these skills in the classroom and across the school. Following the success of the virtual training sessions we offered primary school teachers during the lockdown period, we are pleased to be able to … Read More

Cwrs DPP am ddim i athrawon uwchradd


Following the popularity of our CPD course for computing teachers, we’re now offering free training courses for teachers of any subject! Whatever your subject, any secondary school teachers are eligible to join our virtual course to upskill through sessions on computational thinking and programming concepts and how to implement them across the curriculum for Wales. The course is split into … Read More

Seminar WiST | Seiberddiogelwch: Personol a Phroffesiynol

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Free | 5.30-7.30pm Monday 11th September | USW Newport Campus In this informal event, cyber experts Rachel Medhust and Bethan Jenkins from University of South Wales will discuss the importance of understanding cybersecurity and best practices in an everchanging digital world. You will have an opportunity to hear from our speaker, ask any questions you have and network with like-minded … Read More

Brwydro 'Botiaid yn ein Cystadleuaeth Flynyddol

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Pupils from 23 teams went head to head in our 2023 RAF Robotics Competition grand finals in North Wales and South Wales! The theme of this year’s competition was Green Machines, and pupils from across Wales were challenged to design and create a robot that could tackle climate change. In their teams, participants considered whether the robot could sort recycling, … Read More

Academi STEM 2023

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Anyone who has ever taken part in our workshops knows that we have a knack of turning complicated science and technology into fun and interesting activities! This Summer, we are inviting you to do something a bit different and really exciting over the summer holidays. Come along to our STEM Academy for some science-based activities in South Wales. We have … Read More

Datblygu sgiliau'r genhedlaeth nesaf o arbenigwyr seiber ddiogelwch


We’re working with the University of South Wales on a nationwide project to develop the skills of Wales’ next generation of cyber security experts. Our Technocamps hub in the University of South Wales, which is a Gold standard National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) partner and which has won ‘Cyber University of the Year’ for four consecutive, is leading the NCSC’s CyberFirst … Read More

Astudiaeth achos: Byron Hopkin

adminAstudiaeth Achos, Technoteach

Byron has been teaching for over 20 years, and is currently an IT teacher at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman. He is undertaking Technocamps’ 18-day Professional Learning Programme for Computing teachers and support staff. Before the course, Byron was teaching Music and Music Technology (key stage 4 and 5), as well as IT (key stage 3), and is now concentrating on IT, … Read More

Technocamps yn cefnogi BBC micro:bit - the next gen

Luke ClementDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We’re supporting BBC’s micro:bit campaign to get young people in Wales excited about STEM. BBC is once again launching a new micro:bit campaign following the success of the previous campaign in 2015, which saw a million micro:bit devices delivered to schools for their Year 7 pupils across the UK. The new campaign, BBC micro:bit – the next gen, will focus on … Read More