
We run 2 types of annual competition at Technocamps, the Gêm o Godau a'r Robotics Competitions

Mae'r Gêm o Godau yn gystadleuaeth codio lle mae cyfranogwyr angen ysgrifennu rhaglen amdano thema benodol. Mae’r gystadleuaeth yn galluogi i ddisgyblion gyda diddordeb yn y pwnc, gwella’i sgiliau datrys problemau, cyfathrebu, a sgiliau gweithio fel tîm trwy wella’i gallu cyfrifiadureg mewn dull hwyl a dyfeisgar.

Yn y Cystadleuaeth Roboteg, bydd cyfranogwyr o ysgolion cynradd ac uwchradd yn cydweithio yn eu grwpiau ar ei phrototeip wrth ddefnyddio pecynnau Lego Spike cyn darlunio poster a fidio fel rhan o’i cynnig i’r beirniaid. Mae’r grwpiau yma yn creu arddangosfa a chynnig nhw i banel o feirniaid arbenigol o Technocamps a’r RAF. Ar ôl hyn, rydyn yn cwblhau cyfres o heriau byw lle gallwn newid ei robot ac ysgrifennu cod er mwyn ennill y pwyntiau mwyaf.

Cadwch olwg am newyddion o sut gallwch gofnodi am gystadlaethau blwyddyn nesaf yn ein cylchlythyr.


Cystadlaethau Blaenorol

Featured image for “Game of Codes Competition 2025 is back!”

Mae Game of Codes 2025 yn ôl

Game of Codes is back and celebrating its 10th Birthday with the Technocamps pan-Wales National Game of Codes Programming Competition.…
Featured image for “Calling All Primary School Teachers! Sign up to the BBC Gladiator micro:bit Competition”

Galwad i bob Athro Ysgol Gynradd! Cofrestrwch ar gyfer Cystadleuaeth micro:bit Gladiator y BBC

Gladiators, ready! Primary teachers, ready! Join in the fun and enter your class into the BBC Gladiators micro:bit competition and…
Featured image for “Technocamps Annual Robotics Competition 2024: Where Robots Meet Sport”

Cystadleuaeth Roboteg Flynyddol Technocamps 2024: Lle Mae Robotiaid yn Cyfarfod Chwaraeon

Over the last two weeks, 142 pupils from 26 schools across Wales joined us for our Annual Robotics Competition in…
Featured image for “Game of Codes 2024”

Gêm o Godau

This March our Cardiff hub hosted the Game of Codes coding competition with this year’s theme centred around Sport and…
Featured image for “Game of Codes Competition 2024 is back!”

Mae Cystadleuaeth Game of Codes 2024 yn ôl!

Game of Codes is back with Technocamps pan-Wales National Game of Codes Programming Competition. The competition will enable interested pupils…
Featured image for “Game of Codes 2023: Health and Wellbeing”

Game of Codes 2023: Iechyd a Lles

Our annual coding competition for pupils in Wales is back! This year, we’re asking participants to create a piece of…
Featured image for “Robotics Competition 2023”

Robotics Competition 2023

Announcing our 2023 Robotics Competition in partnership with the RAF! The theme of this year’s competition is Green Machines, and…
Featured image for “Technocamps Robotics Competition 2022”

Cystadleuaeth Roboteg Technocamps 2022

THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED Our 2022 Robotics Competition is in partnership with the RAF! The theme of this year’s…
Featured image for “Game of Codes Competition 2022: Combat Climate Change”

Cystadleuaeth Game of Codes 2022: Brwydro Newid Hinsawdd

THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED Our annual coding competition for pupils in Wales is back! This year, we’re asking participants…
Featured image for “Swansea University Copper Jam 2022”

Jam Copr Prifysgol Abertawe 2022

THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED Calling all sixth forms and colleges! Swansea University is inviting students to take part in…
Featured image for “Home of the Future Competition Winners Announced”

Cyhoeddi Enillwyr Cystadleuaeth Cartref y Dyfodol

And the winner is… Our recent competition, in partnership with Energy Saving Trust and NEST, asked pupils to design their…
Featured image for “Minecraft set to influence future design of new cancer centre”

Minecraft i ddylanwadu ar ddyluniad ysbyty canser newydd yn y dyfodol

We are working on an exciting partnership with Velindre University NHS Trust to adopt gamification to engage the children and…
Featured image for “Home of the Future Competition”

Cystadleuaeth Cartref y Dyfodol

THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW ENDED Can you develop a game that shows energy efficiency in the home and the issues…
Featured image for “Game of Codes: Education of the Future”

Game of Codes: Addysg y Dyfodol

THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW ENDED. We are running our first pan-Wales virtual Game of Codes programming competition. The competition will…
Featured image for “‘Craft My City’ – opportunity for young people to help shape Cardiff using Minecraft”

‘Craft My City’ – cyfle i bobl ifanc helpu ffurfio Caerdydd gan ddefnyddio Minecraft

THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED. We are working with Cardiff Council to provide children and young people with a unique…
Featured image for “New Activity Pack Competition”

Cystadleuaeth Pecynnau Gweithgaredd Newydd

THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED. We’re offering prizes to the schools and pupils who complete the most activity packs on…
Featured image for “WRU Club of the Future Competition”

Cystadleuaeth Clwb y Dyfodol URC

This competition is now closed. Can you combine Welsh culture and history with your hopes and dreams for the future…
Featured image for “Nesta Challenges Longitude Explorer Prize”

Gwobr Archwilwyr Hydred Nesta Challenges

This competition has now closed. Nesta Challenges has teamed up with Amazon to launch fourth edition of the Longitude Explorer…
Featured image for “Activity Packs Competition”

Cystadleuaeth Pecynnau Gweithgareddau

COMPETITION NOW CLOSED Our new on-line Activity Packs have helped to keep children motivated and excited this summer and they…
Featured image for “Working with the DVLA and its annual Coding Challenge”

Gweithio gyda’r DVLA a’i her godio flynyddol

We are proud and privileged to continue our long-term relationship with Swansea’s DVLA and once again sponsored their annual ‘Code…
Featured image for “Game of Codes is back!”

Mae Game of Codes yn ôl unwaith eto!

The competition (now in its 5th year) gives pupils from all across the country the opportunity to develop their problem…
Featured image for “2019 Robotics Competition”

2019 Cystadleuaeth Roboteg

Our annual Technocamps Robotics Competition was held on 17 July 2019 in the University of South Wales, Cardiff. The theme…
Featured image for “FLL Robotics Team Egni collect Judges Choice Award for ‘Thinking Big’ at World Festival in Detroit”

Tîm Egni FLL Robotics yn ennill Gwobr Dewis y Beirniaid am ‘Feddwl ar Raddfa Fawr’ yng Ngŵyl y Byd yn Detroit

The First Lego League Festival takes place annually and is a huge celebration of all things robotic with fierce but friendly competition…
Featured image for “Technocamps Robotics Competition 2019 – Disaster Droids”

Cystadleuaeth Roboteg Technocamps 2019 - Tech Trychineb

We are pleased to announce that the Technocamps Robotics Competition is back with the final competition day to be held…
Featured image for “Technocamps’ Smart Cities Coding Competition arrives at Cardiff University for the 2019 Finals”

Cystadleuaeth Codio Dinasoedd Clyfar Technocamps yn cyrraedd Prifysgol Caerdydd ar gyfer Rownd Derfynol 2019

Technocamps recently headed to the capital for the national finals of its annual coding competition, this year hosted by Cardiff University.  Pupils…
Featured image for “Technocamps Game Of Codes 2019 Coding Competition – Smart Cities”

Technocamps Game of Codes - Cystadleuaeth 2019 - Dinasoedd Clyfar

Game of Codes is back as Technocamps pan-Wales National Programming Competition.  The competition will enable interested pupils to develop their…
Featured image for “Autonomous Artists a Huge Success!”

Artistiaid Awtonomaidd yn llwyddiant ysgubol!

This year’s Technocamps Annual Robotics Competition gave artistic license to pupils across Wales to combine robotics with the creative world!…
Featured image for “Technocamps Robotics Competition 2018 – Autonomous Artists”

Cystadleuaeth Roboteg Technocamps 2018 - Artistiaid Awtonomaidd

We are pleased to announce that the Technocamps Robotics Competition is back with the final competition day to be held…
Featured image for “Technoclub represents Wales at the 2018 Robotics World Festival in Detroit, USA”

Technoclub yn Gynrychioli Cymru yng Ngŵyl y Byd Roboteg 2018 yn Detroit, UDA

A team of pupils from Ysgol Glan Clwyd travelled to Detroit, USA in order to represent Wales at the annual…
Featured image for “Game Of Codes 2017 Coding Competition”

Technocamps Game of Codes - Cystadleuaeth 2017

Game of Codes is back as Technocamps pan-Wales National Programming Competition.  The competition will enable interested pupils to develop their…
Featured image for “DVLA Coding Challenge Goes off with a Bang!”

Her Codio y DVLA cyntaf yn llwyddiant enfawr!

On Tuesday 28th November, school teams from across Wales came to compete in the DVLA Code Challenge which was supported by…
Featured image for “Web Development Star Represents GB in WorldSkills Finals”

Seren datblygu gwe yn cynrychioli’r DU yn rownd terfynol “WorldSkills”

Alfie Hopkins, a young Welsh Web Development Star from Llanelli, South Wales has represented Great Britain in the WorldSkills Finals…
Featured image for “DVLA Coding Challenge – Imagine it, Code it, Build it, Win it!”

Her Codio DVLA - Dychmygwch, Codiwch, Adeiladwch ac Enillwch hi!

DVLA is running a Wales National Coding Challenge for 7 to 11-year-olds sponsored and supported by Technocamps, in association with…
Featured image for “Live Stream of Robotics World Festival!”

Video Byw o Gystadleuaeth Roboteg

Watch Team Lightning from Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn at the FIRST World Festival of robotics! …
Featured image for “Welsh Technoclub to Represent the UK at the 2017 Robotics World Festival in St Louis, USA”

Technoclub Cymru i Gynrychioli'r DU yng Ngŵyl y Byd Roboteg 2017 yn St Louis, UDA

A robotics Technoclub at Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn, Carmarthenshire has been invited to represent the UK in the annual FIRST® Robotics World…